Auto dialer error: 403 Forbidden

searching auto dialer knowledge base… no “403 Forbidden”? seems impossible since it’s probably a common error. please help me resolve this

This error most likely is coming from your VOIP service. Some causes of the problem: not sufficient funds in your VOIP account, not specifying the country code (1 for US and canada) when making call. One way to find out is to use Voicent Agent Dialer (semi-auto mode) or a soft phone (such as x lite) to make a test call, you may hear additional audio message when call cannot be completed.

Posted in Auto Dialer, VOIP |

Email open tracking

Hi there, You provide the following instructions and code for tracking opens for email campaigns sent through BroadcastByEmail.

I have my own mailing software on my server called Gammadyne Mailer so I don\’t need BroadcastByEmail but I would still like to have my own email open tracking service hosted on my own server. Would I be able to use this code as is with Gammadyne Mailer? If not, how much modification would it require to make it work for me? Thanks.

You could use this code anyway you wish. However, your emailer software must utilize the code. So unless you have access to the Gammadyne mailer source code, you won’t be able to track email open.

Posted in BroadcastByEmail |

Export appointment reminder call status

I am evaluating your product. In my application, it is critical that I be able to export the information I need to update my appointments in another application. I do not understand the difference in “Get appointment call status” vs. “Get appointment call status info”. Also, what is the difference in “Get appointment confirmation status” vs “Get appointment reminder call report”? Can I get an example of each of these? Thanks.

1. The call status returns the call status strings. They are:

“failed” : failed
“made” : either human pickup and answering machine
“pending” : call is still in the queue
“retry” : call will retry

2. The call info returns additional information about the call. Some of the info strings are:

“Service Not available” : e.g. cannot get starting vxml file
“Service Error” : e.g. web server down
“Answering machine force disconnect”: auto disconnect answering machine based on option
“Call did not go through”: no answer, max ring reached etc
“Answering machine no beep detected” : fail based on option

“Line occupied” : could not get a line with dial tone
“Line disconnected” : line disconnected by either party before message playing
“Transfer noanswer (call Dropped)” : no answer for transferred call
“Line Busy” : line busy tone
“No Answer” : no one answers the call

“Call succeeded”
“Message left on answering machine”

3. The call confirmation string is the response the gateway gets, such as appointment confirmed (when touch tone 1 is pressed), canceled, etc

4. The call report is a list of all calls information such as appointment time, call status, etc

Posted in Appointment Reminder, Developer |