Alternate Phone Numbers

Hello Voicent, does your software have the ability to specify multiple phone numbers for someone, and if the first number is not answered call the second number on file for them?

Yes! One of our new features is the Alternate Phone Number system, which will allow you to specify as many alternate numbers as you want.

If the system can not successfully call the first number, it will try the second, and so on and so forth.

So if your clients have home, work, and cell phones, you will have a higher chance to contact them!

Posted in Agent Dialer, Auto Dialer, General |

SPA3102 VOIP Service Error: 503 Service Unavailable

VOIP Service Error: 503 Service Unavailable for the SPA3102 can be a result of not allowing enough hang up time.

To solve this problem from occuring you will need to modify a setting inside Voicent Gateway. Open “Voicent Gateway” and select “Setup” -> “Options”.

On that page at the bottom left you will see “Hangup wait for 5 seconds after hanging up the phone in order to free the phone line”. Change that to 10 or 15 seconds and this will ensure that the line is free before it tries to place another call.

Posted in General |

MegaPath Issues

hi, i have megapath and it works for a few minutes then stops working, why?

MegaPath has a limit on how much Bandwidth you can use, if you exceed their bandwidth they will stop placing your calls, either lower your call volume or choose a different VOIP provider.

Posted in General |