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Using autodialer while traveling

Wow! What a God send to sitting here calling a list of 1000 names in the morning, again at lunch and again in the evening!

I’m going to be starting to use this on my Dell laptop that came with a Context modem “D110 MDC V.9x” to be exact.

1 Is this going to work for me? If not, can I use the default Windows XP modem

Probably not. The best choice for laptop is a USB based voice modem. Also the default Windows XP modem driver is not going to support voice. More details please see: Modem FAQ

2. I usually call from a cell. Is there a Virtual phone service I could use over my wireless connection at work or on the road instead of having to order a phone line to be installed into an brick and morter? I am always travelling and would prefer to use a web-based calling system.. .maybe like Skype or something. Can that be done?

Voip line should work. For example, you can connect the modem to a Vonage box and making phone calls from there. But for reliability, we recommend using a land line.

By using the Enterprise Edition, you can control your calls from a remote location. It has the same effect as using a broadband service.

3. If I buy a dual-core desktop with 4 or 8 PCI slots later, can I move my Professional version from my laptop to it without additional costs? If costs, how much?

It will be considered as a second license. Again, it seems you should get the enterprise edition. Install the software on a desktop as the server, and run the program from your laptop as a client. The server has the phone line connections where all the calls are made. That way you do not need two licenses.

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