Skip Excluded List

When user loads an exclude list via List > Exclude it puts “Excluded” in the Status column beside the matching phone number. However, when broadcast is started and gets to the phone number marked “Excluded” it starts dialing and changes line to green and puts “In Progress.” in status column. I find this strange since any other messages in Status column and broadcast is restarted it skips over. Please advise.

The software will skip a row with standard status, such as “Call Made”, “Call Failed”, etc. Since for excluding list, you specify your own status code, the software will not recognize that.

To skip an excluded row, you can specify the status to be “Do Not Call” when running the exclude operation. Or simply remove rows in the exclude file.

Posted in Agent Dialer, Auto Dialer |

Appointment Reminder with GE Centricity

I am testing Auto Reminder to see if I can integrate it with GE Centricity. I have exported appointments from Centricity and can import them to AutoReminder. The problem is I need to get the confirmation status of the call. Is there a way to create appointments by importing a cvs file and then retrieve their confirmation status? I have done some research and it seems I could initiate the appointment/call through the http interface and then retrieve the confirmation status, but it will be a much easier integration if all I have to do is import a CVS file. I can’t retrieve the confirmation through the http interface because I don’t know the appointment id’s of the calls that have been made

Sure you can. When you using the command line to import appointments, the results (the appids) are saved in the cmdresult.txt file. It is a semicolon separated list of appids. If an appointment is not imported correctly, an empty appid is returned. You can then use the appids to query the confirmation status. So all you need to do is to keep track of an appointment and its corresponding appid.

Posted in Appointment Reminder, Developer |

Call center setup question

Hi I am interested in the Dial By Phone product. We set-up a call center with 4 stations that are hunt group ready. We are using a VOIP company called GLOBALINX.

1. How many calls can be made per line?

This depends on a few factors, such as how long is your message, whether you want to leave message on answering machine, etc. On average, it is about one minute a call.

Think of the software has an operator, he or she dials the number, waits for someone to answer the call, or waits for answering machine’s beep to leave a message, and plays your audio message. The software is just more efficient, it makes one call after another, never take a break.

When you use multi-line version of the software, you make simultaneous calls.

2. What is the cost per line?

The price is listed online. For BroadcastByPhone, please see auto dialer pricing; for AgentDialer, please see predictive dialer pricing.

3. Can i have people work from home?


4. I had issues with finding a SIP number and using the free download. I will need assistance setting this up

We offer full setup service. For details, please contact Voicent support

Posted in Product Usage |