Hello, Yes, I do have a few questions for you, as I’m not entirely new to phone broadcasting, having had a dialer here in Florida many years ago (until it was outlawed).
1.) Is your (voice blaster/dialer DNC compliant? As you well know, several states now illegally forbid kthe use of dialers, and Florida is one of them. But, on the states where use of dialers is permitted, there would still need to be DNC compliancy. Please explain your reply in detail.
Yes, the software has built-in DNC scrubber. Since nobody is allowed to resell the DNC list, you have to get the list from the government website. Once you have the Federal or State DNC lists, you can run the built-in DNC scrubber to remove phone numbers that are on the Do not call list.
2.) What’s the maximum number of calls it can make per day?
That depends on the number of lines configured. For a 24-line system, it will make 24 simultaneous calls. For each call, most of the time is spent on waiting the call gets connected and playing your audio message. If you want to leave message on answering machine, the system also has to wait for the answering machine message to finish. On average, it probably takes one minute for each call. Based on that, you can calculate how many lines you need to reach the call volume you need.
3.) What’s the price per call (my price)?
Voicent offers software product. It is a one-time purchase and you can own it for life.
You can configure the software to use different phone services, such as VOIP service or traditional phone service. So your per call price depends on the service you choose. You have a wide range of VOIP service providers and the best deal depends on your call volume and the required call quality.
4.) Do you provide any database of numbers free or must they be purchased?
Sorry, we do not provide phone list.
5.) Would I have my own back office where I could monitor the progress?
Since you run the software on your own computer, you see the call report in real time.
6.) How could I verify a certain number of calls were processed per day?
All call status is listed in the program spreadsheet.
7.) Who is responsible for creating/furnishing the outgoing audio message – you or me?
8.) Are the rates you provide (for the audio message) tiered, depending on the length of the jingle?
Again, this depends on your phone company. Most VOIP service charge calls based on a 6 second interval.
Please feel free to download the Broadcast By Phone software and give it a try.