automatic calls triggered by a script

Hello, I need a software for making automatic calls triggered by a script generated on an internet server, whenever a user completes an action (and obiously provides his phone number). I’m planning to manage several parallel calls

It should be straightforward to trigger a phone call. You can use the Simple Call Interface to start a call from your script. For example, if you want to send a call telling a customer that you have received his order, you can do the following:

call_text("650-123-4567", "We have received your order. Thank you", 1)

We have more articles regarding various applications here under the “developer” category”. To start, simply downloaddownload the software and give it a try. For more information, please take a look at the developer section on our website. You’ll find tutorials, sample code, and many other useful info.

Thank you so much. So what product should I buy?

At the minimum, you need Voicent Gateway outbound, which should allow you to use the simple call interface. If you would like to have more control over your call application, such as connecting to a database or connecting to an email server, you could consider getting Voicent IVR Studio. In addition, it is much easier to create an interactive phone application by using IVR Studio’s GUI environment.

The number of phone lines are determined by how many simultaneous calls you want to have. This is independent of the application you are going to develop.

Posted in Developer |

Setup different reminder messages

I am interested in replacing our existing appointment reminder system, HouseCalls, with your product. We process about 150 or more calls per day and I would like to be able to prerecord patient names and several (20-25) messages dealing with different appointment types. I would then send the application a comma delimited file that contains the patient name and appointment information along with an indicator of some sort telling the application which message to use. Is this possible using your product. Bear in mind that none of the message is text-to-speech but prerecorded speech concatenated together to form the message. If this is possible can you explain how I would set up to do it

This should not be that hard to set up using the built-in Message Designer. To invoke the Message Designer, select Appointment > Message Designer… from the program main menu. For more information about how to use the Message Designer, please refer to the product walkthrough under the Help menu.

First, create a different reminder message (message template) for each appointment type. Each message will have a different message Id so you can use it later when an appointment is created or imported.

Second, to create one reminder message, simply add pre-recorded audio files to the message. Assuming for each reminder message, all audio files are the same except the patient name is different for each appointment. To add patient name audio, create a new standard message item with type “audio message” instead of “contact name”, so the reminder message will not use Text to speech to read the name. For example, assume you want the reminder message to be: “Hi, this is doctor smith calling patient John for tomorrow’s appointment”, you could create the following three message items:

[audio file] before.wav
[standard item: audio file] john.wav
[audio file] after.wav

Where before.wav contains the recording for “Hi, this is doctor smith calling patient” and after.wav contains “for tomorrow’s appointment”. The [standard item: audio file] refers to an audio attachment per appointment. This attachment audio file is set for each appointment.

Save the created reminder message.

Third, when an appointment is created or important, specify everything else as usual; attach an audio file that is the patient name; and select the previously designed message Id for the reminder call.

I understand all but the third step where I import and attach the john.wav. Additionally if we want this recording to NOT use TEXT to speech and we want it to say something like. “Hello this is Dr. Smith calling for John, you have an appointment tomorrow April 20 at 2:00 PM, please bring all of your medication. Thank you.” What would the import file look like and would I be able to pre record the months, days and times

The format for an appointment in an import file is a line with a comma separately values. The appointment import format details can be found in the program Help file or online. In the place of the audio file column, use the full path to the john.wav file, such as “C:/My audio files/john.wav”.

For appointment time, it is a standard time and it is normally read by pre-recorded audio files. For Voicent software, we have both male and female voices for numbers, dates, etc. If you have to use your own recordings for date and time, replace the system audio files under C:\Program Files\Voicent\gateway\webapps\root\audio

Posted in Appointment Reminder |

SMS and Voice Gateway

Do you offer a solution for SMS/Voice in one platform? We are needing a gateway to use for our Multi Factor authentication platform, sending out One Time Passwords VIA Text or Voice Message

Yes, Voicent Gateway is a voice and SMS gateway in one platform. You can use it to send text or voice calls. The SMS feature is added in release 8, so make sure to download the latest release when you want to try the software.

It should be pretty easy to send text or voice using the gateway, especially if you do not need interactive features. You can use the Simple Call Interface to trigger a call. The simple call interface is assuming a voice call. To send a text message, you need to specify one more parameters (“sms=1″), everything else should be the same.

Does this tie in easily with other software… By that I mean can it work in conjunction with our multi factor authentication solution to send out voice or SMS?

Yes, the platform has HTTP interface and supports W3C’s VoiceXML standard. In addition, Voicent also provides IVR Studio, which is a GUI based development tool for the gateway. There are built-in support for relational database, web server, email server, and other programs. Within the interactive voice/sms application, you can also launch a Java program or script, and process the return values. All within the IVR Studio environment.

You can download the software and give it a try. By using IVR Studio to create your application, you do not need to know the lower level VoiceXML code.

Posted in Developer, Gateway |