Use multiple phone services

I am trying the free download in hopes of purchasing the product. I have a question in regards in using mutiple calling setups. Can I use VOIP and a voice modem at the same time. The modem would be a back up if our phone system goes down. If you can, how can you determine if the VOIP is down?

Yes, the gateway should support all the methods (VOIP/SIP, Skype soft phone, analog phone line with voice modem) for making phone calls. There is no problem switching among them.

It should work if they are used at the same time but this setup is not recommended. For example, the call transfer setup is different for modem and VOIP service, so if both phone services are used at the same time, the call transfer may not work well for both of them.

Within VOIP services, you can also use multiple VOIP services and use them at the same time. This maybe a better backup solution for you if one service is down. Most VOIP services have fail over built-in, so the availability is pretty decent.

To see if one service is down or not, you can restart the gateway to see if it can connect. Or you can check to see if the VOIP service provider has any specific techniques to check its availability.

Can it be restart the gateway and determine if it can connect programmatically? What I am trying to do is write some software to notify individuals if certain tasks do not get performed or fail. If this is happening at 2:00 am how would I determine if the VOIP is down and then attempt to use the voice modem.

You can use the following command to start and stop the gateway:

net start VoicentGateway
net stop VoicentGateway

Once it is running, you can use the ping commend to check the status.


It should return [OK]

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Dialer start playing asap

I need it to start playing message right as the call is picked up. (I don’t need to wait for human or VM, just start playing the recording)

Open Voicent Gateway, select Setup > Options > Detection Tab, select “Most Aggressive”. Once set, it will always play the message regardless of whether it is answered by live human or answering machine.

I need it NOT to hang up after the message is done playing for about 3-4 min. I don’t see where I can adjust that timer.

The hangup is not controlled by the software, it is a function of the phone service. For example, if you manually make a call using your cell phone, if the other party hangs up, your phone connection will be disconnected. Your phone company will disconnect the call even you have not hang up the call yet.

You could control the dialer to not dial the next number within the next few minutes. There is a disconnect time setting and interval dialing setting. To set these, open Voicent Gateway, select Setup > Options > Outbound tab.

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Personalize text message

Hello. My question is regarding Broadcast by SMS but didn’t see that option on the drop down menu.. I would like to know if your software can send personalize text messages, for instance we would like to send text messages to our customers with their respective account balance (bulk 100+ messages at a time). and how do I do it?

To personalize the broadcast text message, select Broadcast from the program main menu, then select Message Designer. The designer allows you to specify how to compose your text message, such as including the name or account balance, through message items.

For more details, please select the program main Help menu > Product Walkthrough > Personalize Message.

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