Leave voicemail with TTS for names

Looking for a TTS Engine to produce a name.wav for each First, Lastname in our database. A command line tool with quality wav output for leaving messages on voicemail machines

This can be done easily with Voicent software. You do not even need to manually generate .wav files for first and last names. All can be done automatically with Voicent BroadcastByPhone auto dialer. Here are the main steps when you do it manually:

1. Create a call list with name, phone number, and other info. This can be directly imported for copy-pasted from a spreadsheet.
2. Create a message to use using the built-in Message Designer. Specify to use the names column. When a call is made, Voicent software will converts the names to audio using a TTS engine automatically.
3. Select the message and start calling.

There are command line interface to the BroadcastByPhone program. So you should be able to write a script to read the name, phone number from your database and calling Voicent autodialer. For more details, please download the software and take a look at the program Help files. There are also callback functions you can specify when a call is finished. This feature can be used to update your database in real time.

If you want a more tight integration, you can also take a look at Voicent IVR Studio, which is a GUI tool to design more powerful interactive phone applications. There are built-in actions for database access, sending emails, running programs, etc.

Posted in Auto Dialer, Developer |

Program to import dialer phone numbers

Some years ago, I created a set of processes using ACCESS and a scripting compiler that 1) supplies an existing analog dialer with a subset of phone numbers via a link to the dialer’s .dbf file, 2) starts it, and 3) gathers a summary of results. It requires about a month to process the master set. The processes do not require human intervention other than reading email that contains an event log. The phone company provides the callerID.

I need to replace the analog dialer with a more robust system such as Voicent. However…

As I understand it, Voicent requires the called number list to be in a .voc file format. We must either copy or import the phone numbers from another source into .voc, and this copy/import is a manual keyboard/mouse function. The function will need to be done daily because the list is dynamic. Addresses and phone numbers constantly change. We need to supply the phone number list Voicent each day without human intervention. If a human must do this step, then we will need to find another solution that replaces the analog dialer. Please provide us with an executable program that converts a file of phone numbers to the structure (.voc) Voicent requires or, add to Voicent the ability to accept something other than .voc (such as a .txt file) as its input file. An ACCESS data base table preferred, but .txt is acceptable.

Actually, it is not necessary to have a program to import the phone numbers. You should be able to use the Voicent BroadcastByPhone program’s command line interface directly. Here are the steps:

1. Create empty call list

Create empty call list (.voc) files and use them as your templates. To start broadcast from your script or program, simply copy the appropriate .voc file to your working directory first, then use the copied .voc file. You can also associate the empty call list file with a specific broadcast message (designed by the built-in Message Designer or IVR Studio) or default message. With default message, you need to specify the audio file in the command line.

2. Use the command line to start broadcast

The BroadcastByPhone program has extensive command line options. To add new numbers to the call list file (.voc), use the -numbers option, or if you have a text file (.CSV), use the -import option. Actually, if you use the -numbers or -import options, you do not even need to create an empty .voc files first. The program will create the file for you.

For other auto dialer command line options, please see the online help or program Help file under the Help menu.

3. Use status call back

Two useful options are -statusurl and -statusexe, which are used to define callback functions whenver a call is finished. These options enable real time update for call status.

Posted in Auto Dialer, Developer |

Appointment reminder program interface

I am trying to understand the use of the command line interface for the auto reminder program. I understand how I can import a list of appointments. Let’s suppose I import a list of 30 appointments. It seems that the appointment IDs will be in the cmdresult.txt file in a semicolon delimited fashion. I presume these IDs are still in the same order as the appointments were imported. If so, then I can associate the IDs with the appointments.


Then I want to get the call status for each appointment. Do I need to do a separate command line for each appointment using only one ID? Also, after I get the call status do I need to run a separate command line for each appointment in order to get the confirmation status? Or, is there some way to get statuses and confirmations in a batch manner? Thank you.

These commands should use appids, which is a list of the returned appointment IDs. But you do need to call get status and get confirmation in separate commands.

I am trying to decide if I should use the auto reminder with a commandline interface or try to develop a VB interface to the Gateway. In looking at the VB simple interface, I can see the simple calltext and callaudio functions. I do not understand how to mix these as is handled in the message designer. In other words, playing audio file then inserting text to speech for a name then playing another audio file, then getting a confirmation tone, etc. Can these types of things be done with the VB interface to the Gateway? If so, do you have any sample code? Also, do you have any sample code for getting call status and confirmation status using the VB interface?

If you can use the command line interface, you should. It is much easier to develop and maintain. To understand the full usage of the gateway interface, which uses VoiceXML, please take a look at the gateway tutorial, and outbound call gateway tutorial first. The simple call interface does not have all the functions you look for.

Posted in Appointment Reminder, Developer |