Create an online survey page | Survey Automation

This article is intended for webmasters who are tasked to create an online survey page and submit the results to Voicent CRM. The example uses HTTP FORM handling using PHP.

The previous post contains the HTML source code to use for submitting survey results to Voicent CRM. You are free to change the form style and presentation. The important points are summarized below.

Form Target URL

The generated form code should contain the target URL in the FORM action attribute. The sample shows it as http://localhost:8155/vxcrm.jsp. For actual service, replace localhost with the IP address of the server where Voicent software is installed. If you are using Voicent Live, our cloud service, the actual URL will be different.

Authentication Parameters

The generated code also contains the necessary authentication parameters, such as vgformtoken, vgformid, and vgformid2. Again, the parameters and values may differ depending on whether you are using our on-premise software or cloud service.

Action Parameters

The action parameter must be add.

For updating values in an existing customer record, you must also specify the following parameters.

  • crmentid : this is the ID for the customer record. The actual value should be fetched from the HTTP request. It is submitted when a customer clicks the survey URL in the invitation email.
  • MERGE : the value must be yes which means to overwrite existing values.

For more information regarding these parameters, please refer to Voicent CRM Interface.

Value Parameters

The value parameters for this web form are CF_1 and CF_16. CF_1 corresponds to the Rating field and CF_16 corresponds to the comment field.

Create the Form PHP Code

The survey URL embedded in the invitation email should contain the actual customer ID like below:

When clicked, it should hit the web server for this survey page we are creating. The code should first get the customer ID from the HTTP request.

<?php $crmid = $_GET['id']; ?>

The ID is then set as the value for crmentid. When the survey is submitted, the crmentid should inform Voicent CRM which customer record it is referring to.

<input name="crmentid" type="hidden" value="<?php=$crmid?>">

The following is just a possible implementation.

<?php $crmid = $_GET['id']; ?>

<form method="POST" id="webform" action="http://localhost:8155/vxcrm.jsp">
        <h3 id="form_sec">Survey Result</h3>
        <input name="vgformid" type="hidden" value="158951">
        <input name="vgformtoken" type="hidden" value="CEC948EF60875">
        <input name="vgformid2" type="hidden" value="0">
        <input name="action" type="hidden" value="add">
        <input name="MOD" type="hidden" value="CUS">
        <input name="LEAD_SOURCE" type="hidden" value="">
        <input name="crmentid" type="hidden" value="<?php=$crmid?>">
        <input name="MERGE" type="hidden" value="yes">
                   <input name="CF_1" type="text" id="CF_1_input" value="">
                    <input name="CF_16" type="text" id="CF_16_input" value="">
                <button id="webform-submitbtn" type="submit" data-style="expand-left">

Trigger an email to manager if a survey result is really bad

Posted in Developer, Product Usage |

Create a web form to receive survey results | Survey Automation

A web form can be used to add a new customer record or update an existing one. A web form serves as an endpoint to receive HTTP POST. In our example, the form is used to receive the survey results.

To create a web form, select Setup, Website, Form from the main menu. Here we only need two fields: Rating and Comment.

HTML Form Source Code

Here we assume you understand HTML FORM and HTTP FORM processing. If you are unfamiliar with these topics, you can skip the details. All you need to know is that the web form defines how survey results can be submitted to Voicent CRM.

To get the HTML source code, select the newly saved web form, choose Get HTML Source Code.

<form method="POST" id="webform" action="http://localhost:8155/vxcrm.jsp">
        <h3 id="form_sec">Survey Result</h3>
        <input name="vgformid" type="hidden" value="158951">
        <input name="vgformtoken" type="hidden" value="CEC948EF60875">
        <input name="vgformid2" type="hidden" value="0">
        <input name="action" type="hidden" value="add">
        <input name="MOD" type="hidden" value="CUS">
        <input name="LEAD_SOURCE" type="hidden" value="">
                   <input name="CF_1" type="text" id="CF_1_input" value="">
                    <input name="CF_16" type="text" id="CF_16_input" value="">
                <button id="webform-submitbtn" type="submit" data-style="expand-left">

The rendering the the above form shown below. It is a basic form and you are free to change the style anyway you want. What’s important is the input values in the form.

Next: Create an online survey page

Posted in Developer, Product Usage |

Setup a workflow trigger to send the notification emails | Survey Automation

With workflow automation, the survey invitation email can be sent automatically under various triggering conditions, such as a new customer record is added, or the category of a customer is changed. In this example, the trigger is set whenever an agent releases a phone call.

To create a workflow trigger, select Setup, Workflow, Trigger menu.

Once it is saved, you can test the trigger by making a call from Agent Dashboard. Once the call is release, an email should be sent to the customer’s email address in the CRM record.

Next: Create a web form to receive survey results

Posted in Developer, Product Usage |