Create an email template for the notification emails | Survey Automation

In order to save the survey result to the customer’s CRM record, we must pass some identification information to the online survey site. The best one to use is the CUSTOMER_ID, which uniquely identifies a customer record and can be passed along with the survey URL.

To set up an email template, select Setup, Campaign, Message from the menu. Click the Email button and then click the Add button.

The above example assumes the site is and the survey page is mysurvey.php. The URL template in the invitation email is:${ID}

You can test the template by sending an email from a customer CRM record. Simply click the envelop icon on the right of an email address, then choose the newly created email template. In the pop up window, you should see the ${ID} replaced by an actual number.

Next: Setup a workflow trigger to send the notification emails

Posted in Developer, Product Usage |

Create custom fields to hold survey results | Survey Automation

The sample survey contains only one question (how do you rate the recent phone call) and an optional comment. Here we create two custom fields in Voicent CRM to hold the survey results: rating and comment.

To create custom fields, select Setup, Contact, then Custom Field from the top level menu.

The Rating field is an integer with values 1 to 5.

The Comment field is a string with max length of 1024.

Access Control

This sample saves the survey results in the customer’s CRM record. You may want to show the results only to managers. This can be achieved by setting up role based Access Rules. In this example, we make both fields open to everyone.

Next: Create an email template for the notification emails

Posted in Developer, Product Usage |

Conduct automated online survey

In this series of blog posts we show how to conduct an online survey using the various tools on the Voicent platform. The goal is to show the common integration methods and what can be achieved for process automation. Here we want to automatically email a customer to take an online survey right after he talks with an agent. The online survey is conducted on an external website. However, the survey result is saved in the customer’s CRM record.

The subsequent blog posts provide step-by-step instructions to set it up.

  1. Create custom fields to hold survey results
  2. Create an email template for the notification emails
  3. Setup a workflow trigger to send the notification emails
  4. Create a web form to receive survey results
  5. Create an online survey page
  6. Trigger an email to manager if a survey result is really bad
  7. Utilize multiple triggers

Posted in Developer, Product Usage |