Magic Jack dropping 2 digits

I am using a XP computer with a modem. I am trying to call out using Magic Jack. It will call using just Magic Jack, When I try to use Voicent software, the modem calls and Magic Jack dials the number, but it drops 2 digits from the number so the call doesn’t go through.

If I reduce the number, by leaving the area code off, it will still drop the 2 digits.

What would cause this problem?

This is a known problem with some magic jack devices. The only way to work around this is to add 2 zeros to the end of every number.

If I were to do this:

  1. I would view the numbers in excel, copy the phone column into its own spreadsheet, then output a csv file.
  2. Using notepad++ open the csv.
  3. Use the Macro menu to select start recording.
  4. On the first line use the arrow keys to move to the end of the number, then add 00.
  5. Press the home key, then the down arrow once.
  6. Select Macro playback to see if it works for one line.
  7. If it doesn’t, manually fix it and try again. (Stop and start the macro recorder over)
  8. If it does, select Run multiple times and select until the end of the file.

After all of the numbers have 00, save it, then open it in excel and copy it back into the original call list.

Posted in Agent Dialer, Auto Dialer, General | Tagged , ,

Router SIP ALG Issues

Can not get connected to SIP service. Router ports are’ll work by connecting my computer directly into the cable modem, but it will not connect through my router (which i need to use). My other software (security cameras) are set up in ports, open and is working. I have been trying to resolve this for about a week and I really need to get this fixed.

Here is our guide showing which router ports to open.
However from what you have stated, you may be having SIP ALG issues.
Look in your router, most likely in the WAN settings for a SIP ALG toggle.
If it is on, turn it off, then test. If it is off, turn it on, then run a test.
SIP ALG is generally inconsistent from router to router, however it does effect SkypeConnect connections.

It may help if you Google “SIP ALG Your Router Make & Model” for better directions on how to change it.

Posted in General |

Jar file compilation

When creating a custom IVR studio database interaction, you will need to create a jar file using the build.bat file located in the IVR demo folder. You will need the JDK installed to be able to run the build.bat file. If you change the location of the .Jar file you have to change all elements of the call flow so that they have the old locations still. Check the time stamp of the newly created .jar file to ensure it is getting updated properly. The location of the jar file is:

C:\Program Files\Voicent\Gateway\apps\*Name*\webapps

Change C:\ and *Name* respectively.

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