Alarm system signals

We are looking to buy a software package that can automatically call us when the laboratory triggers a variety of alarms. We want to have a prioritized call list that requires a confirmation code once an engineer is reached successfully by phone. I see that Voicent provides software of this type, but I am curious how our laboratory alarm system will communicate with the Voicent software. What options are there to input signals into the software for this purpose? Also, what software package(s) will we need to purchase to accomplish this goal? Thank you in advance.

The software you need is Voicent BroadcastByPhone. It has a call-till-confirm feature which is exactly what you described. To trigger a call, you can use a command line interface of the program as shown below. For more info, please select the program Help menu and take a look at the “command line interface” help topic.

vcast.exe -startnow –confirmcode 1234 "C:\mygroup\list2.voc"

You alarm system probably has some kind of alert message, such as sending an email or launching a program when the alarm goes off. Please check the alarm system’s user manual for more details. If it triggers an automatic email, you may want to take a look at an open source project called email to phone.

Posted in Auto Dialer |

Add location to appointment reminder message

We have the free download now working it is calling from information in a .csv file, that has been imported which is what we want. It is using my name and specified time as the sample file allows in the message. I am now wondering how to customize the message more. We would like to add a location as to where the appointment is located. I guess my question is does the message become generated in the order of the fields in this .csv file. The headers of the fields not used for us right now are message id, notes, include notes, category and confirmation. Can you tell me what these fields are for and if we can just use one of them for location? Hope this makes sense. I just want to make sure that this customization will work before we purchase anything

To customize the appointment reminder call message, you can use the built-in Message Designer. For details of the Message Designer, please select the program Help menu > Product Walkthrough… It should be easy to add a location to the message. Once the message is designed, save it with a name (message ID) that you can use when an appointment is added. For importing, simply add the name to the Message ID field so it will use your message for the reminder call.

To further customize the appointment reminder message, you’ll need to use Voicent IVR Studio, which is fully integrated with Auto Reminder. This is a GUI design tool for you to create almost any call message. In addition, it can be used to integrate with web site, database, email servers, etc.

Almost all the CSV file columns correspond to some field in the new appointment dialog window. For example, the room field corresponds to the room text box. For more details, please see import appointment.

Posted in Appointment Reminder |

Transferring to remote agents and transferring to phones in the same campaign.

We have the enterprise edition for 4 users, that we just purchased, and we would like to configure it so it transfers 2 calls to a phone number and 2 calls to a computer screen.  Is that possible?

Yes, However you will need to have 4 total agents running on four different computers.

To achieve this, you will need to use the remote agents to transfer to a telephone number automatically. On the remote agent, click on Setup/Call Transfer Options. Select the radio box that says Forward to a land line or cell phone, and input the desired number.

Posted in Agent Dialer, Auto Dialer |